Thursday, November 5, 2009

From Patrick

If you haven't already heard of it, which you most likely have, Obama is going to sign a "global climates treaty".
I've heard rumors that it may get rid of U.S. Sovereignty but I'm not sure yet. Also, its said that the treaty will take presidency over our constitution.
Are our freedoms going to be taken away because of this treaty?

Here is a PDF of the treaty:

This is very strange, but it doesn't surprise me!
I really would like to know the truth about this treaty and its affects
on the American people and their freedoms. I don't believe a world-wide
government would be the solution to any of the "problems" that people
are saying there are to push this bill forward. I don't think a
world-wide government would be... safe? Efficient? Anything but

If you read article 17A and 17B:

17. [[Developed [and developing] countries] [Developed and developing country Parties] [All Parties] [shall] [should]:]

(a) Compensate for damage to the LDCs’ economy and also compensate for lost opportunities, resources, lives, land and dignity, as many will become environmental refugees;

(b) Africa, in the context of environmental justice, should be equitably compensated for environmental, social and economic losses arising from the implementation of response measures.

Which means: Developed countries (USA, Canada, China, Britain, etc.) and their developed country parties (Parliamentary, democracy, socialist, communistic, etc.) will distribute their wealth in some kind of world-wide socialist welfare program for the least developed countries (LDC's) that were hurt by economic and environmental disasters that were (not) caused by the developed countries. Not caused. Not even existent.

I'm confused, when will the American government start caring for its own people and not other countries?

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