Monday, December 7, 2009

99Cent only Store--new in Corona

Back east we've had 99cent stores for at least 24 years. My parents would take our oldest children on shopping trips and give them each $1 to buy anything they wanted in the whole store. They loved it. Over Thanksgiving I was back in SC and my mother sent me to the brand-spanking new 99cent store about a mile away. It was in the new shopping center with the new gargantuan, still clean Walmart. So many dollars to spend, but no way to schlep them 3000 miles away in two carry on bags. I came home determined to find a store of my own. I knew that 8 years ago I had gone into a dollar store on 6th street across from the hospital, but I'd never gone back because it was filthy, sold only junk, and the carts had tall metal poles attached to prevent the customer from taking them out of the store. I drove by there today and the parking lot was full. Joy and I went inside, but I didn't take a buggy because I didn't expect it to equal the one back home. Within five minutes I went back to get a buggy. This place is fantastic! It's even better than Mom's! It has fresh bread and fresh produce and dairy and eggs. Amazing!

I spent $92. Which means that I bought at least, what?, 85 items?
I bought:
3 solid white ceramic reindeer
3 spun glass ornaments with lights
20 small gift bags with tags
1 pkg of 3 asian pears (they weren't very good, but I don't like pears)
1 large cabbage
3 cans of Luck's northern beans
3 cans of Luck's blackeyed peas
4 cans of Glory sweet potato casserole
4 cans of Glory black beans and rice
4 24 oz cans of California tomatoes
4 cans of italian style Del Monte tomatoes (.59 each)
8 pkgs of printed wrapping tissue
11 gallons of Crystal Geyser water
2 miniature roses
2 tiny pots of Christmas cactus
2 pkgs of boxes
4 pkgs of 3-4 handpainted glass ornaments

but my favorite item? Tissue box holders made of brocade with Chinese knots and double blessing symbols made in China, wrapped in authentic Chinese cellophane. Authentically tacky. Authentically Chinese.

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